Thanks for inquiring about Pattie and me. We are doing reasonably fine for old folks (80 for me and 76 for Pattie) and continue to enjoy retirement. For sure it's the best job either of us ever had. Pattie has had a long-running problem with pain that makes it difficult for her to walk very far at a time or even sit for an extended time so we don't make the long car trips we once did. Just as well with gasoline prices over the top. The doctors can't seem to figure out what the pain is all about despite assorted tests and guesses. I am having a bit of a hip problem at the moment but nothing serious. Other than that we are perking right along.

I have attached a picture taken on July 4 of me with my son Brad, daughter Mickey and granddaughter Carla. Brad lives in Dallas and Mickey just outside Mexico City. Carla graduated last month with a BFA in design from UT. It was great to have them here. Mickey gets here once or twice a year so her visit is always special. Also attached is a picture of Pattie in one of several new dresses that Mickey's dressmaker friend in Mexico made for her, a near-miraculous feat since Angelica has never even seen Pattie. Great work.
I try to keep up with what's going on with FJSA through the newsletter and through Kelly Brown at the Eagle. ... I still have hope for a rebirth of the department. I suggested to someone that maybe you should haul all the Hall of Honor plaques over to Madame President and say, "See what you are missing? We sure need more like them."
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